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Technology Policies

Technology Policy

Click here for the Technology Policy (including the handout from registration)


Attendance and Tardies
Students are expected to arrive on time and to attend class on a regular basis. It is important to notify your teacher by voicemail or e-mail if you are absent. Students with excessive absences will be dropped.

Maintaining a Safe and Secure Environment
1) The use of tobacco, alcohol or drugs is prohibited on all school campuses by State law and Board Policy. 2) Weapons of any kind, including attire that could be used as a weapon are prohibited. 3) Students are expected to follow VUSD dress code. 4) Displaying apparel or accessories that are viewed as indicators of gang affiliation are not to be worn, including insignias, signs, and tattoos.

Behavior Expectations:
1) Be on time and prepared every day.
2) Respect the rights and property of others.
3) Respect the authority of the teacher.
4) Do not disrupt the learning of others or a teacher’s ability to teach. 5) Do not bring food or drink into classrooms. Bottled water is okay. 6) Do not use obscene or vulgar language.
7) Follow the laws and ordinances of the City of Visalia and the State of California.

Consequences for Violations:
1) Warning, discussion or conference with the teacher. 2) Referral for conference with school administrator.
3) May be dropped from Adult School classes.
4) Referral to the Visalia Police Department.

Students with Disabilities
Visalia Adult School makes every effort to arrange services and accommodations for any student with a documented disability. Students should make an appointment in the Visalia Adult School Student Services Office (730-7646) to meet with a counselor in order to arrange accommodations in the classroom.
Refund Policy
Refunds are provided if requested prior to first day of class or if class is cancelled. Allow 4-6 weeks for processing. Fees are non-transferable.

Cell Phone Policy
Board policies 513 (b) and 5131 (c)
Students may possess or use electronic signaling devices, including but not limited to, pagers, beepers and cellular digital telephones, while on campus or at school-sponsored activities provided that such devices do not disrupt the educational program or school activities. Electronic signaling devices shall be turned off during class time and at any other time
as directed by a teacher. Such devices are considered personal property. Students possess these items at school entirely at their own risk. The school or district is not responsible for lost, stolen, or damaged devices.

Internet and Computer Use
The Governing Board intends that technological resources provided by the district be used in a responsible and proper manner in support of the instructional program and for the advancement of student learning.
Each student shall sign an Acceptable Use Agreement specifying user obligations and responsibilities as outlined in Visalia Unified School District AR6163.4(a).

1. Users shall keep personal account numbers, home addresses and telephone numbers private. They shall use the system only under their own account number.

2. The system shall be used only for purposes related to education. Commercial, political and/or personal use of the District’s system is strictly prohibited. The District reserves the right to monitor any on-line communications for improper use.

3. Users shall not use the system to encourage the use of drugs, alcohol or tobacco, nor shall they promote unethical practices or any activity prohibited by law or District policy.    

4. Users shall not transmit or receive material that is threatening, obscene, disruptive or sexually explicit, or that could be construed as harassment or disparagement of others based on their race, national origin, sex, age, disability, religion or political beliefs.

5. Copyrighted material may not be placed on the system without the author’s permission. Users may download copyrighted material for their own use only.

6. Vandalism is forbidden. Vandalism includes uploading, downloading, or creating computer viruses and/or any malicious attempt to harm or destroy District equipment or materials or the data of any other user.

7. Users shall not read other users’ mail or files; they shall not attempt to interfere with other users’ ability to send or receive electronic mail, nor shall they attempt to read, delete, copy, modify or forge other users’ mail.

8. Users are expected to keep messages brief and use appropriate language.

9. Users shall report any security problem or misuse of the network to the teacher or principal.

10. Users will abide by system usage, security, and web publishing guidelines as set forth by District authorities.

Any violation of these guidelines, unauthorized use and/or unlawful activities may result in loss of Internet privileges, being dropped from the Adult School, and/or appropriate legal actions.

By signing this agreement the student shall agree to not hold the district or any district staff responsible for the failure of any technology protection measures, violations of copyright restrictions or users’ mistakes or negligence. They shall also agree to indemnify and hold harmless the district and district personnel for any damages or costs incurred.

Harassment and Non-Discrimination
The Visalia Unified School District has a policy that all programs and activities shall be free from discrimination or harassment with respect to ethnic group, religion, gender, sexual orientation, color, race, national origin, and physical or mental ability.

Any individual who believes that his or her rights are being violated or that he or she is discriminated against should immediately contact the principal or designee. If the situation is not promptly remedied at the site level, a complaint can be filed in accordance with Administrative Regulations by contacting the office of the appropriate director at the District office. More detailed information is available in the school office and on the District’s web page

Privacy Notice and Student Consent
In accordance with local, State and Federal requirements, information is collected about our student population to evaluate program effectiveness, community needs, etc. Students have a specific right not to share their social security number (SSN) in the collection of that data.

The Governing Board recognizes the importance of maintaining the confidentiality of directory information and therefore, authorizes the release of such information only in accordance with the law, Board Policy, and Administrative Regulations.

The Superintendent or designee may authorize the release of student directory information to representatives of the news media, employers, prospective employers or nonprofit organizations as provided by law.

Colleges and military recruiters shall have access to student’s name, address, and telephone number upon request, unless student has specified in writing that the information shall not be released without prior consent.  

I have read and agree to abide by the Visalia Adult School Policies and Procedures outlined in this brocure.  I have reviewed the Uniform Complaint Procedures.  Harassment and Disrcrimination policies, Privacy Notice and agree to the Acceptale Use Agreement.  I give permission for my photo, work and first/last name to be published on the VAS and VUSD website, social media outlets, printed material etc.. Please note photos taken at public events and locations are not subject to consent.

Student Name (Print) _____________________________

Student Signature ________________________________

Date ____________________


The Governing Board recognizes that technology provides ways to access the most current and extensive sources of information. Technology also enables students to practice skills and to develop reasoning and problem-solving abilities. In addition, electronic resources foster workplace skills that may be transferable to new technologies. Every reasonable effort shall be made to provide safe access to technological resources throughout the District’s schools and classes and that students use technology at school in a responsible and proper manner.

Before a student is authorized to use the District’s technological resources, the student and his/her parent/guardian shall sign and return the Acceptable Use Agreement specifying user obligations and responsibilities. Student users of District technology shall have no expectation of privacy and understand that District staff may monitor or examine all system activities to ensure safe, responsible, and proper use of the system.

Students are authorized to use District equipment to access the Internet or other online services in accordance with Acceptable Use Agreement and/or Board Policy and Administrative Regulation 6163.4. Students who fail to abide by the Acceptable Use Agreement and/or Board Policy and Administrative Regulation 6163.4 may be subject to disciplinary strategies, revocation of the right to use technological resources, and/or legal action, as appropriate.

Technological Resources - Internet Definition And Usage Risks

The Internet is one technological resource that students may have access to as part of the educational process. The following are some items that define what the Internet is today:
1. An information resource (news, library, art gallery, product support);

2. An educational resource (online textbooks and curriculum);

3. A public meeting place (social media);

4. A communications medium (voice/real-time audio & video, electronic mail);

5. A gateway for virtual field trips (visits to faraway places);

6. A market place; and,

7. An entertainment source.

As technology and culture changes, so does the Internet. What it looks like today is not necessarily what it will look like tomorrow. There are some risks involved when students are allowed to access the Internet. Known risks are as follows:

1. Websites that contain inappropriate content (like pornography, alcohol or drugs) for students or contain content that doesn’t agree with one’s views or beliefs (like politics, religion, or hate).

2. Websites that could lead to contact with undesirable persons.

The District cannot guarantee that a student will never access sites such as those mentioned above, but will minimize the likelihood of occurrence by the following:
1. Using electronic filtering to block access to age-inappropriate content or sites without educational value;

2. Reasonably supervising student activities during student use;

3. Using technology through guided lessons;

4. Monitoring use of District’s systems for improper use without advance notice or consent; and,

5. Regularly reviewing practices for improvement